Monday, October 22, 2012


I love JULY!! We have lots of celebrations! This one week took a 4 page spread, thats how much we party! Traditions: breakfast at Mom's, parade on main street, lunch at the Coopers and fireworks at Grandpas. Lots of family, food and FUN!!


The week of road trips! The boys and I went on a trip, and Miss P went on an 8 year olds trip to Yellowstone with her Grandparents!  On our return, the rest of the week we went swimming, T scout day camp and he learned to mow his Great Grandpas lawn, boating with friends, photoshoot of cousins, and girls night out to see BRAVE......goodbye JUNE, hello JULY!


Happy Fathers Day to all the awesome Dad's in my life! I am so blessed! Other happenings: girls camp,  photoshoot with baby, T learns to mow, Team Kenton pics with the cousins, making shirts with cousins.


Hello June! Celebrated Daddy's 38th bday including swimming at the pool, welcomed new cousin Canyon, went to see him, dinner and shopping at Target, finished my July wall hanging, swimming lessons, breakfast with my friends :) GOOD WEEK! I love my life!


Hello Summer!!! It's official! Lots of fun things to do this week! Pool day, dinner with my friends bike rides and cousins over, mom/son trip to use certificate at Golden Corral, 4 wheeler to Gators.


Memorial Week! Lots of fun things happened! Trip to the cemetery with my sweet Grandpa, rainbows in the sky, our Anniversary, playing in the yard/bike rides, cheer recital, last day preschool, last day school and celebrations!